Free to Play Business Planning Tool

The 'Top Down' Approach

Planning the business aspects of a Free to Play mobile game is a challenging undertaking. The majority of commonly-used models are based on low-level KPIs such as ARPDAU and retention metrics however using this 'bottom-up' methodology can lead to significant uncertainty, particularly in the early stages of a project when there's little or no actual data to go on. Put simply - the more uncertain variables you base a model on, the greater the likely inaccuracy.

At Kempt & Co we've developed an alternative based on a top-down approach using verifiable third party benchmarks.

The button above will take you to a read-only preview of the google sheet, you can also request access to the master model which you can download or copy in order to input your own data or make changes.

We hope you find this of use, you can also find an easy to use web application version of the Spenders Analysis here.

Please do contact us if you're interested in talking about how we can customise this model for your project to make it more accurate to your specific business-case.

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